This week's thought is a rerun of sorts. I sent this poem out June of 2005, almost two years ago I wrote it after VBS week when I was reminded of how Jesus was once just a young child playing and daydreaming like other young boys. This week I have had dreams on my mind. Dreams are not just visions, sometimes disturbing, that come to us when we sleep at night. Dreams are not just those far away places we travel to in daylight hours when our minds wander. Dreams are our hope of things we want to see happen while we are living here. Sometimes the hope is for ourselves, sometimes for our children, our families, and friends. Without dreams, life would be kind of dull. If no one hoped to do or be more than what they are now, the world would just kind of come to a standstill.
There is a song with one line that says "Dreams last for so long, long after you're gone..." It goes on from there, a love song of sorts, but it can be applied to our lives. Dreams do go on long after we are gone, through others who our lives impact. Whose lives are your dreams impacting? Are the dreams anything you would want to live on after you or gone? This week while you are daydreaming ask yourself what are you doing to make a difference in the lives of those around you that will live on after you are gone. Dream big dreams that can make a difference for the Kingdom. God's Kingdom will endure forever, long after we are gone from the earth. If we dream of striving to instill the love and hope found in Jesus Christ to others we can be assured
that our dreams will live on forever
Sitting By The Door
A young boy sat outside daydreaming by his door.
As he watched people passing by, he was so very sure,
One day grace and mercy on all people he would pour.
He knew when life here ended, there would be so much more.
His dreams were so much bigger than other young boys.
He knew his destiny even as he sat playing with his toys.
He knew one day God's magnificent plan he would employ.
He would bear much grief and sorrow; he would give much peace and joy.
He carried such a heavy burden at such a young age.
He saw all history already written, each and every page.
He saw mankind's sin and loneliness; he saw man's hunger and rage.
He saw a savior coming to rescue man from sin's deadly cage.
Of this boy's young life very little is told.
We know much of his life as his destiny began to unfold.
We hear of mighty miracles performed and words spoken so bold.
We hear of a hill, a cross, and a tomb so cold.
Yes, that young boy was Jesus, sitting by that door.
We know He was and is the Savior forever more.
Such wonderful grace and mercy on each of us He does pour.
He gives love, peace, joy, and life eternal that will always endure.
A young boy sat outside daydreaming by his door.
As he watched people passing by, he was so very sure,
One day grace and mercy on all people he would pour.
He knew when life here ended, there would be so much more.
His dreams were so much bigger than other young boys.
He knew his destiny even as he sat playing with his toys.
He knew one day God's magnificent plan he would employ.
He would bear much grief and sorrow; he would give much peace and joy.
He carried such a heavy burden at such a young age.
He saw all history already written, each and every page.
He saw mankind's sin and loneliness; he saw man's hunger and rage.
He saw a savior coming to rescue man from sin's deadly cage.
Of this boy's young life very little is told.
We know much of his life as his destiny began to unfold.
We hear of mighty miracles performed and words spoken so bold.
We hear of a hill, a cross, and a tomb so cold.
Yes, that young boy was Jesus, sitting by that door.
We know He was and is the Savior forever more.
Such wonderful grace and mercy on each of us He does pour.
He gives love, peace, joy, and life eternal that will always endure.
Today you can still find Him near your heart's door
He is always there knocking more and more
Open the door wide, on you His love He will pour.