Ironic is defined as poignantly contrary to what was expected or intended. How many times does irony come to our daily lives? How many times do things happen that are so totally opposite of what we expected? In my life a lot I guess. I think I would define irony as one of those moments you never see coming that suddenly hits you like a ton of bricks. You then sit and contemplate and worry and wonder why in the world you didn't see it coming. Of course ironically if you had seen the moment coming there would have been no irony because the outcome would have been totally expected. Ironically it seems ironic situations can turn to the good even when we have no idea how they ever could at the moment of impact.
In 1996 Alanis Morisette released a song titled, "Ironic." The song's usage of the word "ironic" attracted attention for what many feel is an improper application of the term. Many situations that Morissette describes in the song are arguably examples of cosmic irony: events that, as the Oxford English Dictionary puts it, appear "as if in mockery of the fitness or rightness of things", such as "a death row pardon/two minutes too late".
Morissette alleges that the song was lighthearted and not taken too seriously at the time it was written: "For me, the great debate on whether what I was saying in ‘Ironic’ was ironic wasn't a traumatic debate. When writing it I definitely was not doggedly making sure that everything was technically ironic. It’s a testament to the fact that I didn't think it was going to be put under the microscope by 30 million people. To me, it’s a real snapshot of a nineteen-year-old’s definition and version of how life worked at the time. All that ‘Ironic’ touches on spawned all my future inquiries into and current understandings of the mysteries of life."
Ironically the song was written by a nineteen-year-old, that so many "experts" felt improperly used the word ironic, reached number four on Billboard's Hot 100 chart in the United States and went to number one in Germany and The United Kingdom. I guess the experts found this to be quite ironic and Ms. Morissette found this irony to be quite welcome.
Yes, irony comes to our lives daily, and ironically many times brings good things even if we don't see it at the moment of impact. It is most ironic when a prayer is prayed and God answers the prayer in His timing in His way which is totally opposite from what we expected. However, His plans for us are well planned. His plans are to give us hope for a future and an expected end.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
That expected end is described the way I hope it will be in another song with no irony whatsoever. "What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see, when He takes me by the hand and leads me through the promised land All is peace forevermore on that happy golden shore what a day glorious day that will be. "
In Romans, Paul finds it ironic that when Jews walked out the door the Gentiles walked in. Because of the door, they left open Paul and all of us were able to have access to the salvation of Jesus Christ and the promise of everlasting life that will come. Paul was most thankful for all the Gentiles that had the opportunity because the Jews walked out, but was quick to point out the Jews weren't down for the count nor out for good. There will one day be a great revival when they come back home.
Roman 11:11 The next question is, "Are they down for the count? Are they out of this for good?" And the answer is a clear-cut no. Ironically when they walked out, they left the door open and the outsiders walked in. But the next thing you know, the Jews were starting to wonder if perhaps they had walked out on a good thing. 12 Now, if their leaving triggered this worldwide coming of non-Jewish outsiders to God's kingdom, just imagine the effect of their coming back! What a homecoming!
Many times in our lives we feel doors slam in our face. We sometimes feel we have caused this, really shut the doors ourselves, kind of walked out on opportunities as the Jews did. We think back to what we could have done differently to change the outcome. We sometimes feel we are down for the count and give up However doors slammed in our faces usually open for someone else and give them opportunities that we have already been offered and perhaps didn't take full advantage of; didn't do with them what we should have. If we remain faithful and keep our eyes on God; if we don't give up and count ourselves out, we can find new doors He will open for us to go through.
I have often been told, "Be careful what you pray, pray specifically." The irony of it all is God answers prayers that we pray exactly like we pray them. The outcome isn't what we expected or hoped for, but the outcome is always for His plans and His purposes to be fulfilled. As for the quote by Ms. Morisette, I believe each day we are here we are given opportunities to see the mysteries of life. We sometimes feel our every move is being examined by 30 million people under a microscope and are so afraid we will mess up and not live up to the "experts" standards. However as long as we strive to live up to God's standards, ironically the expert's opinions don't matter that much.
As we always keep our eyes on the prize to come one glorious day, may we always look for new open doors while we are here.
Today I wrote a simple little poem, proceeded by a simple little story, to encourage you all. Think about the words and think about the choices you must make in your life every day when you first wake and open your eyes.
Deuteronomy30:19 Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, that you and your descendants might live!
Family Feud
A story is told of a family feud that went of for years and years. Two brothers argued over whose coon dog was best. Mean words were spoken that neither one really meant, but neither brother said they were sorry. The dogs grew old and died. The feud went on for so long that everyone involved couldn't even remember what started the whole feud in the first place. At the funeral of one of the "feudees", the other feuder wiped tears from his eyes and said, " You know I don't remember what I was so mad about now, but I know whatever it was wasn't worth all the pain I allowed it to cause. I wish I could say I'm sorry, but now it is too late."
We waste a lot of time and energy holding grudges, being mad, and allowing a lot of hurt and pain in our lives that we ourselves have the power to remove. Yes, some things are more serious than an argument over a coon dog. Some hurts are very real and well-founded, but nothing is worth allowing bitterness to control our lives.
Life is short. Get over it
Rainy Day
Each day when we wake and open our eyes,
We often ask God a lot of whens, wheres and whys.
Is it true all wounds will heal in time?
In the midst of adversity, how can we continue to let God's light shine?
As we realize what we have experienced really wasn't a dream.
We wonder is this the day from the hurt deep down inside we will be redeemed.
Will everything come together by and by?
How many tears can one person cry?
As each day begins we have a choice to see sunshine, or rain.
As each day begins we must choose whether to begin again or just do things the same.
A time comes when we must dry our tears, lift our heads, and move on.
Sometimes it isn't worth worrying over whether anyone was right and who brought the wrong.
As each day begins and we remember days that came before,
We can continue to question why the things happened the way they did for sure,
Or we can focus on this day the Lord has given to get up and try once more,
To find a drier road, a higher goal, and a bigger, shinier door.
God is our protector, our defender, and our friend.
He will be with us as days begin and as they end.
We must spend less time questioning when and why
And simply say, "To give you this day God is my heart's cry."
He will lead us and guide us in all truth and kindness
He will give us peace and open-minded-ness
He will make a way when there seems to be no way.
Smile...God is with us always,
on sunny as well as rainy days.