The other day I found my old autograph book. I remember the Saturday so long ago I bought it at Kuhn's Variety Store on Main Street here in town. When I bought it I had dreams of getting famous people to sign the little book. As it turned out, no one famous, that I know of, signed it. There are just scribbled messages from school mates and friends from long ago. There are many of those names of the not so famous people that I can't even place a face with the scribbled names. Some told me how nice I was. Some told me to stay sweet. Some told me they would never forget me. I believe they have forgotten me. Several of those not so famous friends signed their names and left the message above... 2 good, 2 be, 4 gotten. It is really a nice thought, but as I said I do believe no matter how good they thought me to be, they have forgotten me as I have them.
The day after I had read this scribbled message from so long ago in the old autograph book I saw a similar message on a bumper sticker on the car in front of me at the red light. Their message said 2 Many Have Fallen 2 Be 4 Gotten. I knew this patriotic sticker was speaking of our fallen servicemen. Even though the two messages were different they were still written in the same format. I decided surely something needed to be said about the
2 good often being 4 gotten.
God is good. He's too good to all of us He has always been. He shouldn't be forgotten. Is that what I am supposed to write to sum these 2's up to 4? I thought surely all of this added up to more than all of that. Then I thought surely that is enough. God is enough.
God is 2 good for us to 4 get, but unfortunately, we do forget. We forget He promised that He will never leave us nor 4 sake us. We become 4 lorne and 4 get He 4 bear all our burdens at Calvary. We attempt to 4 cast our own futures as 4 boding, and hopeless instead of knowing our good God holds our futures in His 2 very capable hands. The enemy sometimes tells us we aren't really 4 given and we feel the world pulling us forcibly to partake of those things that our good God has 4 bidden. In those times we should be 4 shadowed by the power of Holy Ghost who dwells within us directing us 2 live good Godly lives.
Celebrate 2 day you are 4 given!! Our good good God has not 4 gotten you. He loves each of us so much He will never 4 get us. He will never leave us nor 4 sake us.
We should never 4 get Him